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Gender Reveal Cake, 75th Birthday Cookies, 8th Birthday Cookies, and Baby Shower Cookies

So excited to be asked to make a cake for my neighbor's gender reveal party this Tuesday night. I also gifted her some ultrasound cookies to congratulate them. Here are the cake an cookies:

She posted a picture of the big reveal on and said I could use it to show you all what it looked like on the inside. You can do a gender reveal cake two ways: color the cake itself, or color the icing. She went with the icng, as you can see.

I wish them the best in this exciting time!

I also shipped out a special order for my mother-in-law. She is celebrating her 75th birthday this weekend by going to the spa with her daughters and then to the beach for dinner. Of course the first thing I think of when I think of the beach is shells. So sand dollars and seashell cookies were ideal. I always think it's fun to incorporate old photos for those milestone birthdays. It just makes it special.

Here is what I shipped out on Tuesday:

My final order for the week was for a little girl's 8th birthday party. Her mom wanted 8's with pink backgrounds. I did end up individually wrapping them and tied them with pink chiffan ribbon, but didn't get a pic. Oh well. Here's what I did:

Next week is a busy one too! Wait till you see what I'm making! Thanks for reading my blog.

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